What is Operating System? Characteristics, Examples and Check which OS is run in my device.. -- techdip2

  Hello Guys, I am going to share with you about 'Operating System'. I will discuss with you about what is operating system, characteristics of operating system, example of operating system and how to check which operating system is install in my device.

What is Operating System:   

Operating System is a peace of software that acts as an intermediate between the hardware and the users. Operating System or OS is a specific software that you must be install at first on your computer, otherwise without an operating system, no software programs can run. When you start your computer then you observe that some times takes to load your home screen, because thats time install your devices(computer,mobile,laptop,tablet etc) operating system on your device background. It is install while you start your device and stop when you shut down your device. An operating system is the responsible for the any operation and smooth running of a device. Most general purpose device will have an operating system to manage the running of other programs and controls the system’s inputs and outputs. You can say the operating system is middle man because the users can not give the command directly to the CPU(Central Processing Unit) on machine language and not can the CPU interact the users directly. So there needs to be a middle man which communicate and translate all interaction between the user and computer, which is called Operating System.

Operating System
Operating System

Characteristics of Operating System:

  1.  Device management: An Operating System manages device communication via their device drivers and operating system keeps track of all devices. Device management is responsible for managing all the hardware devices of the computer system. And the operating system also decides which device to be given, when and how long it will be given.
  2.  File Management: An operating system is used to managing files of computer systems. All the files in computer system with their different extensions are managed by operating system. It also management includes the process of creating, modifying and deleting the files. It allocates and de-allocate resources and decides which programs to be given the resources, that is to be allocated.
  3.  Processor Management: For performing any operation, the OS is decides which process gets the processor, when and for how much time. This function is called process management. This program is allocates the processor(CPU) and when a program needs CPU to finish it, also de-allocate it
  4.  Memory Management: It is also an important function of operating system. The memory cannot be managed without operating system. Different programs and data execute in memory at one time. If there is no operating system, the programs may mix with each other and the system will not work properly.
  5.  Multitasking: Multitasking means a user to perform more than one of computer task execute, at a time in one of computer system. It is also important function of modern operating system. Modern operating system has the ability to handle more than one work at a time and how well and how fast each function process on the device runs.
  6.  Booting: Booting is a process of starting the computer operating system, starts the computer to work and continue to when computer shut down. It checks the computer and makes it ready to work, which is totally controlled by the operating system.
  7.  Security: The operating system uses password protection to protect user data and similar other techniques. It also prevents unauthorized access to programs and user data and protects data to malware and viruses.
  8.  Portability: Portability was the one of the main features that made OS so popular among the users, but portability doesn’t mean that it is smaller in file size and can be carried on pen drive, CDs and memory cards.
  9.  Ease of Use: It can be easily used because it also has a GUI interface such as MS Windows operating system.
Characteristics of OS
Characteristics of OS

Example of Operating System:

Computer OS

   Dos: Dos or Disk Operating System is such an operating system which is based on CLI(Command                  Line Interface) or CUI(Character User Interface). It is a character based single user operating                  system where is using a command to perform each an every operation.
   Unix: It also has a CUI or CLI interface.
   Linux: It is an operating system which is based on CLI or CUI interface.
   MS Windows: Microsoft Windows is an operating system which is run on GUI(Graphical User                                       Interface) which is launched on 1985 and invention by Bill Gates.
   Mac OS: It also run on GUI interface. It is used for Apple's Mac computers.

Mobile OS

   Android OS: It is Mobile operating system which is based on touchscreen mobile phones such as                                 smartphone.
   iOS: iOS is iphone operating system which is based on apple iphone and it is invention by Steve Jobs.
   Symbian OS: This operating system is based on Nokia phones.
   Blackberry OS: Blackberry OS is mobile operating system which is run on Blackberry phone.
   Windows mobile: This operating system is used for Windows phones.

Example of Operating System
Example of Operating System

How do I check which operating system used in my device:


  Click on Start button ---> open control panel ---> click on system and security option ---> click on system option.


  Open settings option ---> open about phone option.

Operating System in my device
Operating System in my device

   If you have any question in this topic, so you can ask me on comment box. If you like this post so you can share this post on social media, because 'information is wealth'.
What is Operating System? Characteristics, Examples and Check which OS is run in my device.. -- techdip2 What is Operating System? Characteristics, Examples and Check which OS is run in my device..    --  techdip2 Reviewed by Dipom Kundu on 21:43 Rating: 5

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