What is a Blog? What is Difference between Blog and Web Site? Types of blog.. -- techdip2

   Hello Guys, I am going to share with you about 'Blog'. I will discuss with you about what is blog, what is difference between blog and website, type of blog and why should be start blog etc.. 


   The blog is a platform that provide you to share your Experience, Knowledge, yourself and anything on social media or website. A blog is very similar to a website that focuses mainly on written content, also known as blog posts. In blog was more of a personal diary that people shared online. Usually, blogs are being updated quite often (once a day, once a week, once a month). A blog is a short form of 'Weblog' that is (mostly) maintained by the one person – blogger. Every blog on the internet consists of different blog posts written by the blogger. Blogger will be putting new content up on the blog on a regular basis for readers to engage with. Blogger.com website was the first real blogging platform, which made to you a beautiful blog in the early days of blogging(1999). Moreover you can create a blog on Wordpress.comWix.com etc..


What is Difference between Blog and WebSite:  

   Many people think that a blog and website are the same things. But, it’s not true! Both are different from each other and serve different purposes. Today, I’ll be sharing with you some points that will explain the difference between blog and website. Such that-
  1.  It is right to say that every blog is a website but wrong to say that every website is a blog.
  2.  A blog is a type of website but a website is a collection of webpages.
  3.  A blog is a regularly updated website where new content is frequently published but website is  related content that is identified by a common domain name.
  4.  A blog follows reverse chronological order in which the information is updated regularly and the latest content always placed on the top, Whereas website’s content is more formal and mostly used for commercial purposes.
  5. A blog is usually used to share your knowledge, experience on world wide web, whereas a website is usually used to sell products and services to the customers. 
  6.  Make a blog, you can use to free domain and free hosting from Blogger.com but you make a website, so you must be buy a domain and hosting from Godaddy.comBigrock.in etc.
    Differance between Blog and Website
    Blog vs Website

    Type of blog:   

       So, you want to start a blog but don’t know what to blog about. Here i will show you all of the most popular types of blogs that are out there on the internet. Such that-

    1.  Event Blogging: Event blogging means targeting any event and writing on this subject. Event blogging is based on current affairs or news. In an event blog, you target any upcoming event and provide your information about that. Do you want to make a event blogging, so you can choose any upcoming festival or event, which is going to happen after 3–4 months.  
    2.  Long term blogging: If you want to your blog is building slowly and consistently over time, So you can use long term blogging. Long Term Blogging means working as a full time blogger. You can post your articles time to time and ranking on google page.
    3.  Personal Blogging: A personal blogging is about the person who is controlled the blog. Personal Blogging or Self Blogging is, if you want to build your self promotion, So you can start your blogging that called is personal blogging. Their owners started way before the internet became very popular.
    4.  Business Blogging: Business Blogging is a marketing tactic which is helps to business growth. A business blog the best type of blog for people who want to show their professional skills on the web. If you have some knowledge on business and online marketing and you want to grow your business, so you can use Business blogging.
    5.  Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Marketing is a type of blogging, which is based on reviews and tutorials on any products. Bloggers promoting other people’s or company’s products and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that blogger make. Otherwise bloggers show affiliate links in their articles and if their readers click it, it will open the product’s page which is called Affiliate Marketing.
    6.  Health & Fitness Blogging: These types of blogging is write about diets, diet plans, workouts, healthy recipes and more. People want to lose/gain weight and follow the best diet plan, and this blog helps motivated people to achieve success.
    7.  Fashion Blogging: One of the most interesting blogging is Fashion Blogging. Fashion blogging is based on fashion industry and clothing, hair style, style, beauty tips thats it. These types of blogs are good for creative people whom are interested on style and fashion.

    Types of Blogging
    Types of Blogging

    Why should be start Blog:

       You want to start blogging, so one of the most common questions you might think of is why do you start blog?.  Many causes you can start blog, such that-
    1.  Growth your experience: You can growth your experience and knowledge because you do research on search engine, practicing the blogger.com or word press.com site and learning new topic per day.
    2.  People get help from you: your knowledge and experience that you share on your article, so readers reading the article and helping from you.
    3.  Self earning: If you do blogging, so you can earn money from online.
    4.  Career: If you want to make your career, so you some hard work for blog and make your career.
       If you have any question in this topic, you can asking me on comment box. If you like this post, so you can share this post on social media, because 'information is wealth'.
    What is a Blog? What is Difference between Blog and Web Site? Types of blog.. -- techdip2 What is a Blog? What is Difference between Blog and Web Site? Types of blog..   --  techdip2 Reviewed by Dipom Kundu on 21:51 Rating: 5

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